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Sunday, June 30, 2013

Beasiswa Mahasiswa Unggulan Pondok Pesantren - Universitas Islam Indonesia (UII)

Untuk menjadi mahasiswa unggulan pondok pesantren calon harus lulus salah satu pola seleksi, baik melalui pola seleksi CBT, PBT maupun PSB dan lulus tes khusus yang diselenggarakan oleh Pondok Pesantren UII. Penjaringan calon mahasiswa Unggulan Pondok Pesantren ini memberikan beasiswa yang dibagi menjadi 2 (dua) tipe yaitu Beasiswa Penuh (Tipe A) dan Beasiswa Sebagian (Tipe B). Program Mahasiswa Unggulan Pondok Pesantren dikhususkan hanya bagi program studi jenjang Strata Satu (S1) semua fakultas kecuali Program Studi Pendidikan Dokter hanya dibolehkan untuk Tipe B.

Beasiswa Ponpes Penuh (Tipe A)
Jalur ini dibuka untuk mahasiswa (laki-laki dan perempuan) dengan mendapatkan beasiswa penuh berupa:
  •     Pembebasan biaya studi yang meliputi: SPP selama masa studi, sumbangan Catur Dharma, Biaya Lembaga Kemahasiswaan, Biaya Praktikum, Biaya KKN dan Biaya Wisuda,
  •     Pembebasan biaya pondokan dan fasilitasnya. Peserta yang diterima wajib mengikuti pendidikan dan melaksanakan/mengikuti kegiatan yang ditetapkan oleh Pondok Pesantren UII.

Syarat Khusus Penerima Beasiswa Penuh (Tipe A)
  •     Dapat Berbahasa Arab dan Inggris secara aktif (memiliki TOEFL/TOEFL®ITP Score minimal 450) yang dibuktikan melalui tes lisan dan tertulis serta menyerahkan TOEFL/TOEFL®ITP Score minimal 450.
  •     Nilai rata-rata rapor minimal 8,5 (delapan koma lima) dan Ujian Akhir Nasional (UAN) minimal 7 (tujuh) yang dibuktikan dengan fotokopi rapor kelas XII dan Fotokopi Nilai UAN, masing-masing telah dilegalisasi.

Beasiswa Ponpes Sebagian (Tipe B)
Jalur ini membuka kesempatan kepada mahasiswa (laki-laki dan perempuan) dengan mendapatkan beasiswa berupa pembebasan biaya pondokan dan fasilitasnya. Walaupun demikian, peserta masih mendapat kesempatan memperoleh beasiswa internal (reguler) UII dan eksternal lainnya. Peserta yang diterima juga wajib mengikuti pendidikan dan melaksanakan/mengikuti kegiatan yang ditetapkan oleh Pondok Pesantren UII.

Syarat Khusus Penerima Beasiswa Sebagian (Tipe B)
  1.     Dapat Berbahasa Arab dan Inggris secara aktif (memiliki TOEFL/TOEFL®ITP Score minimal 400) yang dibuktikan melalui tes lisan dan tertulis serta menyerahkan TOEFL/TOEFL®ITP Score minimal 400.
  2.     Nilai rata-rata rapor minimal 8 (delapan) dan Ujian Akhir Nasional (UAN) minimal 7 (tujuh) yang dibuktikan dengan fotokopi rapor kelas XII dan Fotokopi Nilai UAN, masing-masing telah dilegalisasi.

Pendaftar harus menyerahkan:
  1.     SK Rektor yang menunjukkan bahwa pendaftar telah diterima dari salah satu jalur seleksi baik melalui CBT, PBT maupun PSB.
  2.     Formulir Pendaftaran sebagai Mahasiswa Unggulan Pondok Pesantren yang telah diisi.
  3.     Fotokopi ijazah yang telah dilegalisasi SMA/SMK/MA atau yang sederajat.
  4.     Fotokopi rapor kelas XII dan fotokopi Nilai UAN, masing-masing telah dilegalisasi, sesuai dengan syarat pada masing-masing tipe.
  5.     TOEFL/TOEFL®ITP Score dengan skor minimal sesuai persyaratan.
  6.     Surat Keterangan Catatan Kriminal (SKCK) dari POLRI yang menunjukkan calon berkelakukan baik.
  7.     Surat rekomendasi dari tokoh masyarakat atau pimpinan pondok pesantren setempat yang menunjukkan calon berakhlak baik dan aktif beribadah.
  8.     Piagam/sertifikat/surat keterangan yang menunjukkan prestasi dan keaktifan berorganisasi.
  9.     Fotokopi akte kelahiran yang membuktikan usia maksimal 21 tahun.
  10.     Surat keterangan sehat dari dokter.

Calon mahasiswa membawa semua dokumen persyaratan umum dan khusus ke panitia PMB di Gedung GBPH Prabuningrat (Kantor Rektorat UII) Lantai 1 Kampus Terpadu Universitas islam Indonesia, Jalan Kaliurang, Km. 14,5 Sleman Yogyakarta.

Penyerahan dokumen dan Ujian Masuk Pesantren (yang meliputi materi: Bahasa Arab, Bahasa Inggris, Psikotes, dan Kepesantrenan) dilaksanakan di Gedung GBPH Prabuningrat (Kantor Rektorat UII) Kampus Terpadu Universitas Islam Indonesia, Jalan Kaliurang, Km. 14,5 Sleman Yogyakarta.

For more information, please visit official website: ( )

Beasiswa FULL + biaya hidup Public Health & Tropical Medicine di INGGRIS

Master Fellowships in Public Health and Tropical Medicine, Wellcome Trust, UK : This scheme strengthens scientific research capacity in low- and middle-income countries, by providing support for junior researchers to gain research experience and high-quality research training at Masters degree level.

Research projects should be aimed at understanding and controlling diseases (eitherhuman or animal) of relevance to local, national or global health. This can include laboratory based molecular analysis of field or clinical samples, but projects focused solely on studies in vitro or using animal models will not normally be considered under this scheme.

We are particularly interested in requests for research training support in the social sciences, demography, health economics, medical statistics and vector biology.

This fellowship is part of a series of career awards aimed at building sustainable capacity in areas of research that have the potential for increasing health benefits for people and their livestock in low- and middle-income countries.

The Wellcome Trust and the Association of Physicians of Great Britain and Ireland have established a joint Wellcome Trust- Association of Physicians of Great Britain and Ireland Masters Fellowship. Two joint awards per annum will be made, in addition to the Wellcome Trust Masters Fellowships. These will be considered during the selection process for Wellcome Trust Master’s Fellowships – no separate application is required.

What’s included
This fellowship normally provides up to 30 months’ support. A period of 12 months should normally be dedicated to undertaking a taught Masters course at a recognised centre of excellence, combined with up to 18 months to undertake a research project.

While undertaking a Masters course, fellows will receive a stipend in accordance with the cost of living in the country in which he/she will be studying; travel costs and support for approved tuition fees. Masters training by distance learning is acceptable.

Masters course fees will be paid according to the rate charged by the training institution.

A salary is provided for the period of the research project. Project-dedicated research expenses (consumables, small items of equipment, collaborative travel and support to attend scientific meetings, fieldwork and data collection) are also provided. Overseas allowances will be provided where appropriate. Contributions to other costs of the project that are directly incurred by the overseas institution may also be provided.

Research-dedicated costs (excluding salary/stipend costs) should not exceed £20 000 per annum.

If the fellow is already in receipt of a salary from the host institution, the host institution may use this salary to pay for a replacement member of staff while the Trust provides the fellow’s salary/stipend for the duration of the fellowship. It is not expected that the fellow would receive a salary in addition to the one provided by the Trust.

Please note that the Trust is no longer accepting applications from current fellows who wish to extend their grants in order to undertake a PhD. The eligibility criteria for the Training Fellowship in Public Health and Tropical Medicine now includes applicants who have a clinical, basic or Master’s degree and some initial research experience, with the expectation that they will register for a PhD.

You should be:

    a national or legal resident of a low- and middle-income country, and hold a first degree in subject relevant to tropical medicine or public health (clinical or non-clinical)
    at an early stage in your career, with limited research experience, but have a demonstrated interest in or aptitude for research.

In general, fellowships may be held in ‘not for profit’ institutions that are able to sign up to our Grant Conditions. Institutions that have not previously received significant funding from us will be required to submit information to enable us to assess eligibility. Applications will not be considered by a decision-making committee until all eligibility checks have been completed.

Fellows must be based in a low- and middle-income country for their research project. The Trust does not provide Masters schemes for UK/RoI-based researchers.

Sponsorship and supervision
You must be based at an eligible host institution in a low- and middle-income country for the research project. Master’s training may be undertaken at a recognised centre of excellence in any location. Master’s degrees by distance learning can be supported.

You must identify an eligible sponsoring institution to administer the fellowship for the full tenure of the award. Applications must be submitted from this host institution and be supported by an appropriate sponsor holding an established post for the duration of the fellowship. Applications must also be supported by the head of the institution.

Your sponsor must guarantee that space and facilities will be made available for you.

An additional sponsor(s) must be identified for periods to be spent outside the host institution (i.e. the institution(s) where periods of training will take place).

You should also be supported by appropriate supervisors who will provide independent support, mentorship and advice in all relevant research areas for the duration of the fellowship.

Sponsors and supervisors should have ongoing research programmes and a track record in research, research training and mentorship.

A sponsor may also be nominated as a supervisor where appropriate.

Application process
A full application form should be completed, via the Trust’s eGrants online application system and submitted at any time before the published deadline. (Note: select ‘International’ in the ‘Funding Area’ drop-down menu, then ‘Fellowships and personal awards’ in the ‘Scheme Type’ menu, then select the ‘Masters Fellowship in Public Health and Tropical Medicine’ form in the ‘Scheme Name’ drop-down menu to choose the full application form).

Please note that your host institution will need to be registered on eGrants before you can create a new application form. A list of registered institutions can be found here. If your host institution is not on this list, you will need to contact eGrants Support for further information, and allow sufficient time for your institution to be registered.

The application should include details of your sponsor’s track record in training and a list of their other students at the institution. It must be supported by the head of the institution where the research will be based, and a career plan for the proposed candidate must be included.

The full application will be reviewed by the relevant Interview Committee, which makes the final decision. Please note that candidates are not interviewed for this fellowship.

Application advice
Research projects should be aimed at understanding and controlling diseases (eitherhuman or animal) of relevance to local, national or global health. This can include laboratory based molecular analysis of field or clinical samples, but projects focused solely on studies in vitro or using animal models will not normally be considered under this scheme.

We are particularly interested in requests for research training support in the social sciences, demography, health economics, medical statistics and vector biology.

You should give careful thought to identifying sponsors and supervisors who possess strong track records in research, training and mentorship. These individuals should provide you with guidance during the application process and throughout the fellowship.

You may not apply for more than one Wellcome Trust fellowship at any one time.

We reserve the right not to process an application if the scheme’s eligibility criteria are not met or if the application has not been completed in full.

Applications are considered twice a year.

    Next application deadline: 1 March 2013
    Final decision by Interview Committee: November 2013
    Next application deadline: 10 December 2013
    Final decision by Interview Committee: March 2014

Schedule for applications submitted to 23 November 2012 deadline:

    Final decision by Interview Committee: February 2013

Late applications will not be considered.

Fellowships must be taken up within one year of award.

Enquiries may be directed to, the appropriate stream, or by telephone to the Grants Service Desk: +44 (0)20 7611 2020.

Immunology and Infectious Disease

Populations and Public Health

Neuroscience and Mental Health

Physiological Sciences

Molecules, Genes and Cells

Wellcome Trust
Gibbs Building
215 Euston Road
London NW1 2BE, UK

T +44 (0)20 7611 8888
F +44 (0)20 7611 8545

For more information, please visit official website:

Beasiswa FULL + biaya hidup di University of Technology Sydney AUSTRALIA

DIKTI – UTS PhD Scholarship, University of Technology Sydney, Australia : DIKTI-UTS Doctoral Degree Scholarships are the outcome of a collaboration between Indonesia’s Ministry of National Education Direktorat Jenderal Pendidikan Tinggi (DIKTI) and UTS.

Further details are available via the contacts listed below.

Value and duration
Successful scholarship candidates will be covered for UTS tuition fees and living expenses.

Who is eligible?
To be eligible for the DIKTI scholarship, candidates must be Indonesian citizens and satisfy the eligibility criteria set by DIKTI, available on the DIKTI Website.

To be eligible for the UTS Tuition fee scholarship candidates must be a DIKTI candidate and satisfy the selection criteria and entry requirements set by UTS for the Doctoral Degree Program, including academic qualification and English language requirements.

Course area(s)
All courses

How to apply

  •     Apply for a research degree at UTS. Go to the UTS International Applying to study at UTS webpage and follow the steps on how to apply for a UTS research degree.
  •     Obtain the Letter of Offer from UTS for the research degree program
  •     Apply for the DIKTI Scholarship within the timeline specified by DIKTI.
  •     Send DIKTI scholarship letter to UTS confirming your eligibility for a ‘DIKTI-UTS Doctoral Degree Scholarship’. Please lodge your international application for the doctoral program if you have not already done so by now.

Please see contact details below.

Application period
Opening date: 15 October 2011
Closing date: 31 May 2014

For further information contact

Dr John I. Pariwono
Jl. Jenderal Sudirman Pintu I
Jakarta 10002
Phone: +021 57946092
Fax: +021 57946092

UTS International
Sponsored Students
Phone: +61 2 9514 1767
Fax: +61 2 9514 1530
UTS International website:

For more information, please visit official website: ( )

Lowongan Kerja PT Bank Sinar Harapan Bali Juli 2013

PT Bank Sinar Harapan Bali, atau ”Bank Sinar”. Sejarah berdiri pada tanggal 23 Februari 1970 dengan nama awalnya masih bernama MAI Bank Pasar Sinar Harapan Bali. Pada tanggal 3 November 1992 adanya perubahan status Bank Sinar menjadi  Perseroan Terbatas dengan surat Keputusan Menteri Kehakiman Republik Indonesia tanggal 12 Juni 1993.

PT Bank Sinar Harapan Bali  mengundang anda untuk bergabung bersama kami dengan kualifikasi dan posisi sebagai berikut:


• Pria / Wanita
• Pendidikan minimal D3 semua jurusan
• Berpenampilan menarik
• Usia maksimal 26 tahun
• Mampu mengoperasikan komputer min office
• Siap ditempatkan diseluruh Bali

• Salary kompetitif
• Jenjang karier jelas
• Berpeluang menjadi pegawai tetap
• insentif

Kepala Kantor Cabang Mikro (KCM)

• Pendidikan min D3 semua jurusan
• Usia max 40 tahun
• Pengalaman sebagai kepala unit di bid perbankan min 2 tahun / lembaga keuangan min 3 tahun
• Dan siap ditempatkan diseluruh Bali.

• Salary kompetitif
• Jenjang karier jelas
• Berpeluang menjadi pegawai tetap dan insentif.


• Pria / Wanita
• Pendidikan diutamakan D3 semua jurusan
• Usia maksimal 30 tahun
• Memiliki dan mampu mengendarai kendaraan bermotor serta memilikin SIM C
• Mampu mengoperasikan komputer min office
• Siap ditempatkan diseluruh Bali

• Salary kompetitif
• Jenjang karier jelas
• Berpeluang menjadi pegawai tetap
• Insentif

Kirim Surat Lamaran dan CV (Biodata Diri) ke:
PT Bank Sinar Harapan Bali
Kantor Pusat Jl. Melati no. 65 Denpasar
Kantor Fungsional Jl. Katerangan No. 16 Denpasar
Kantor Cabang Pembantu Terdekat
Email :
Phone : (0361) – 236152 / 9292666
Expired : 31 Juli 2013

Lowongan Kerja PT Panasonic Industrial Devices Indonesia Juli 2013

PT Panasonic Industrial Devices Indonesia, merupakan perusahaan asing Jepang dalam bidang Elektronik dan kini berada di Indonesia sebagai perusahaan menufacturing elektonik terdepan di Indonesia.

PT Panasonic Industrial Devices Indonesia kembali membukaLowongan Kerja Terbaru 2013 kepada anda yang bersedia bergabung bersama dan sanggup bekerja dibawah tekanan dengan posisi sebagai:

1. Process Engineering

• Minimum D3 or Bachelor Degree of Chemical, Mechanical, Electronic Engineering
• Having min 3-5 years experience in the same position
• Fresh graduated are welcome
• Familiar with modelling/simulation software (Hysis) and chemical engineering tools (mass balance, energy balance, kinetics, etc)
• Having motivation to learn and willing to work under pressure
• Have good ability in computer literacy, good in excel, MS Office and power point
• Having good communication and leadership skills
• Good integrity, initiatives and team work ability
• Willing to be located in Karawang

2. Facilities Engineer

• Sex : Male
• Age : 22 ~ 28 Years
• Number position : 1 Person
• Education Qualification : D3 Polytechnic
• Languages : English  (Written / Spoken)
Job Description Requirements :
• Microsoft Office
• Wiring Diagram and Electical distribution Knowledge
• Presentation Skill
• Maintenance Activity Knowledge
• IP 2,85

3. Accounting Staff

• Minimum Bachelor degree from Accounting / Management / Professional Accountancy Qualification or equivalent
• Minimum 3 - 5 years experience in finance accounting & tax division
• Having knowledge at brevet A&B would be an advantage
• High level of accuracy, integrity, honest, and teachable
• Willing to work hard, overtime, work under pressure and handle multi-task and interact with people at all levels
• Computer literate for excel and open office, accounting software (preferable accurate)
Human Resources Department
PT Panasonic Industrial Devices Indonesia
Jl. Maligi I lot A1-4, Kawasan Industri KIIC
Sukaluyu, Teluk Jambe Timur, Karawang,
Jawa barat 41361 - Indonesia

Apply Online (Posisi 1)
Apply Online (Posisi 2)
Apply Online (Posisi 3)
Expired : 11 Juli 2013

Lowongan Kerja PT Astra Sedaya Finance Juli 2013

PT Astra Sedaya Finance, awalnya bernama PT Rahardja Sedaya, berdiri pada 15 Juli 1982. Kemudian pada tahun 1990 berganti nama menjadi PT Astra Sedaya Finance dan cikal bakal Astra Credit Companies atau biasa di singkat dengan ACC. Perusahaan yang bergerak dalam bisnis pembiayaan mobil dan alat berat terbesar di Indonesia didirikan guna mendukung bisnis otomotif kelompok Astra.

PT Astra Sedaya Finance sedang mencari kandidat yang berpotensi, proaktif, sanggup bekerja dibawah tekanan  dengan posisi:

ACC Firstline Management Program ( Subject : AFLMP )

Kandidat akan memperoleh serangkaian program pelatihan dari ACC yang bertujuan untuk menciptakan koordinator yang handal untuk membawa perubahan pada bisnis ACC

• Pendidikan min. S1 semua jurusan
• IPK min 2.75
• Masa kuliah max. 5 thn
• Usia max. 27 tahun
• Aktif dalam kegiatan organisasi di dalam maupun di luar universitas
• Memiliki kemampuan interpersonal yang baik
• Memiliki kemampuan analisa yang baik
• Bersedia ditempatkan di seluruh wilayah Indonesia

Management Trainee (subject : MT)

This program is designed to develop our Future Leader(s) by providing knowledge and direct practice on our core business for about 9 months, which consist of in class and on the job training.

Placement Function:
Fleet and Commercial Business, Risk Management, Underwriting, Service, Sales, AR, HR & GA, corporate office & Strategic Management, Business Development, Corp Audit Support, Corp Legal Support, Marketing, IT

• Bachelor degree from reputable university
• GPA min. 2.75
• Max. 26 years old
• Fresh graduatesproven leadership & organizational activities
• Having business sense and drive for result
• Good commuflication skill
• Willingnees to be located throughthout is a must

Please send your resume to:
PT Astra Sedaya Finance
Email :
Tuliskan kode posisi yang dilamar
Expired : 11 Juli 2013
Hanya kandidat yang memenuhi persyaratan yang akan diproses lebih lanjut

Lowongan Kerja PT Suzuki Indomobil Motor (English Interpreter) Juli 2013

PT Suzuki Indomobil Motor, atau disebut juga PT SIM adalah perusahaan otomotif terkemuka di Indonesia. Bergerak dalam bisnis produksi kendaraan roda empat dan juga roda dua. PT SIM adalah anak cabang perusahaan dari Suzuki Group Jepang sehingga masih diawasi oleh Jepang langsung.

PT Suzuki Indomobil mengundang anda untuk berkesempatan bergabung untuk menjadi bagian dari kami, sebagai:

English Interpreter
Jakarta Raya

• Male / Female with age max. 30 years
• Fluent in English both oral and written with TOEFL score min 550
• Bachelor/Master Degree with major in English
• Have at least 2 years working experience in the same field, in multinational company
• Team player, good communication, and presentation skill

Should you interest to perform this opportunity in SUZUKI, please submit your comprehensive resume and recent photograph to:
HRD - Recruitment
PT Suzuki Indomobil
Wisma Indomobil I, 7th fl.
Jl. MT. Haryono Kav. 8 – Jakarta 13330
Expired : 30 Juli 2013

Lowongan Kerja PT Danone Dairy Indonesia Juli 2013

PT Danone Dairy Indonesia, merupakan perusahaan multinasional yang beroperasi di lebih dari 120 negara di seluruh dunia.Danone Indonesia memiliki 4 bisnis, salah satunya adalah Dairy Indonesia (produk olahan susu segar). Di Indonesia produk susu olahan ini menjadi basis terbesar di ASEAN dikarenakan kapasitas produksi tinggi tetapi dengan tingkat konsumsinya yang rendah.

PT Danone Dairy Indonesia kami mengundang anda untuk bergabung bersama tim sukses dengan posisi sebagai berikut:

HR Management Trainee

Adapt and Learn all Human Resources foundation

• Candidate must possess at least a Bachelor's Degree, any field.
• Fresh graduates/Entry level applicants are encouraged to apply.
• Full-Time position(s) available.

HR Officer

Handle HR projects related to People Development

• Candidate must possess at least a Bachelor's Degree, any field.
• At least 1 year(s) of working experience in the related field is required for this position.
• Preferably Staff (non-management & non-supervisor)s specializing in Human Resources or equivalent.
• Contract position(s) available.

Send your resume to:
HRD Division
PT Danone Dairy Indonesia
PO BOX 4154 JKTJ 13041
Email :
Expired : 10 Juli 2013

Lowongan Kerja Koperasi PT Indosat Tbk Juli 2013

Koperasi PT Indosat Tbk, sejarahnya berdiri pada tahun 15 Agustus 1984. Adapun dalam menjalankan bisnisnya meliputi Distribusi Kartu Telekomunikasi, Konstruksi Infrastrukstur Telekomunikasi, Konstruksi Properti, Jasa Penyewaan, Marketing and Advertising Tools, Perdagangan Umum, Jasa Pengiriman, Jasa Boga, Unit Simpan Pinjam dan Tour and Travel.

Koperasi Indosat kembali membuka kesempatan bagi anda yang ingin berkembang dengan bergabung bersama tim kami dengan posisi dan kualifikasi sebagai berikut:

ACC Firstline Management Program ( Subject : AFLMP )

Kandidat akan memperoleh serangkaian program pelatihan dari ACC yang bertujuan untuk menciptakan koordinator yang handal untuk membawa perubahan pada bisnis ACC

• Pendidikan min. S1 semua jurusan

It Support / IT Maintenance
Jakarta Raya

• Pria / Wanita
• Usia maksimal 35 tahun
• SMK Gambar Teknik / Teknik Sipil atau D3 Teknik Sipil
• Berpengalaman sebagai drafter minimal 1 tahun
• Menguasai AutoCad, 2D 3D render, Photoshop
• Sanggup bekerja dengan tekanan untuk mencapai target
• Teliti
• Diutamakan berpengalaman dalam rancang bangun property / real estate
• Berkepribadian menarik, proaktif, dinamis dan dapat bekerjasama dengan team
• Diutamakan menguasai Program Autocad dan Archiket/Sketch Up
• Dapat membuat gambar sketsa bangunan
• Mahir dalam menggunakan aplikasi autocad, 3 D Max, Photoshop, Corel Draw
• Mengetahui ilmu teknik gambar bangunan
• Mengetahui jenis material bangunan
• Mampu membuat gambar kerja / design, spesifikasi material, bill of material
• Mampu mengestimasi anggaran biaya / bill of quantity
• Menguasai computer program:  AutoCad, AutoCad Inventor & Ms Office
• Disiplin, pekerja keras, berkepribadian jujur, ulet, kreatif dan bertanggung jawab
• Menguasai Bahasa Inggris & ISO 9001 (lebih disukai)
• Dapat bekerja dibawah tekanan.


• Melakukan survey untuk mencari lokasi yang tepat / potensial yang memungkinkan untuk pengembangan bisnis perusahaan (mendirikan toko / kantor cabang baru)
• Membuat hasil survei lokasi.
• Membantu ijin lingkungan disekitar.

• Pria usia maks 30 tahun
• Pendidikan SMU sederajat
• Mempunyai SIM C & siap bekerja mobile (lapangan)
• Kemampuan negosiasi & komunikasi yang baik
• Lebih disukai bagi yang berpengalaman sebagai surveyor
• Penempatan di seluruh area kerja Pinmart (Jabodetabek & Jabar)

Kirimkan aplikasi surat lamaran anda ke:
Koperasi PT Indosat Tbk
Jl. Kebagusan I No 4 Pasar Minggu
Jakarta Selatan
Email :
Expired : 11 Juli 2013

Saturday, June 29, 2013

Informasi Lowongan Kerja Pelabuhan Indonesia II Juli 2013

PT Pelabuhan Indonesia II (Persero) memanggil putera puteri lulusan terbaik Indonesia untuk menjadi bagian dari solusi bangsa dan negara melalui gerakan hati, pikiran, pengabdian, dan kontribusi nyata dalam menegakkan pilar penurunan biaya logistik serta peningkatan pertumbuhan ekonomi nasional





Friday, June 28, 2013

Lowongan Kerja Intiland Development

PT Intiland Development Tbk is a leading Indonesian property developer and we are in the business of real estate development, management and investment in Indonesia. Our portfolio consists primarily of middle to high-end residential township developments, office buildings, high-rise apartments, and mixed-use developments in DKI Jakarta and Surabaya.
Intiland Development is also involved in the development and management of hotels and service apartments, industrial estates, small residential clusters as well as golf and sports clubs.

  • Accounting Officer - Bachelor - 18/7/2013
  • Architect Engineer - Bachelor - 18/7/2013
  • Civil Senior Supervisor -  Bachelor   -   18/7/2013 
  • Chief Engineer -   Bachelor  -  18/7/2013
  • Inspector Landscape -   Bachelor -   18/7/2013
  • Electric Senior Supervisor - Bachelor - 18/7/2013
  • Legal Officer - Bachelor - 18/7/2013
  • Finance and Accounting Officer -    Diploma    -    18/7/2013
  • Project Manager -    Bachelor    -    18/7/2013
  • Sales Executive -    SLTA    - 18/7/2013 
  • Secretary Officer  -  Diploma   -    18/7/2013
  • Quantity Surveyor - Bachelor - 18/7/2013
  • Junior Architect -    Bachelor     - 18/7/2013
  • Receptionist - SLTA - 18/7/2013
  • Structural Engineer   -  Bachelor    - 18/7/2013 
  • Surveyor  -   Diploma    - 18/7/2013
  • Marketing Support Officer - Diploma - 18/7/2013
  • Project Admin Officer - Diploma - 18/7/2013
Accounting Officer
Job details
Education Level     Bachelor
Location     Jakarta
Job Level     Entry
Minimum Experiences     1-3 years

    Minimum Bachelor's Degree majoring in Accounting
    Comprehensive knowledge of taxation, account, cash flow planning, balance sheet, general ledger, strong analysis
    Preferably holding brevet A & B certificate
    Candidate must be dynamic, energetic and highly motivated
    Computer literature
    Honest, neat and detail oriented

Architect Engineer
Job details
Education Level     Bachelor
Location     Jakarta
Job Level     Entry
Minimum Experiences     1-3 years

    Bachelor Degree in Civil Engineer or Architect
    Male/ Female with maximum 40 years old
    Have working experience with minimum 2 - 3 years
    Have experience in reputable Developer Company or Contractor
    Good working knowledge of AutoCAD
    Good communication, detail, initiative, honest, hardworking, and able to work as a team

Civil Senior Supervisor
Job details
Education Level     Bachelor
Location     Jakarta
Job Level     Supervisor
Minimum Experiences     3-5 years

    Bachelor Degree in Civil Engineer
    Male with maximum age 37 years old
    Have experience in reputable Developer Company or Contractor in 3-5 years
    Good knowledge with structure calculation
    Highly motivated with excellent communication and must have strong leadership skill, analytical ability, problem solving and decision making skill
    Computer literacy

Chief Engineer
Job details
Education Level     Bachelor
Location     Jakarta
Job Level     Supervisor
Minimum Experiences     3-5 years

    Bachelor Degree in Electrical Engineering
    Male with maximum age 40 years old
    Have working experience with minimum 2 years in High Rise Building or Mix Used
    Fluent in English both oral and written
    Good communication, interpersonal, and leadership
    Good analytical skills, integrity, hardworking, and self motivated

Inspector Landscape
Job details
Education Level     Bachelor
Location     Jakarta
Job Level     Supervisor
Minimum Experiences     3-5 years

    Male, with maximum age 35 years old
    Bachelor Degree from Landscape Architecture
    Minimum 3 years experience as Landscaper and technical understanding of plants and planting
    preferably have working experience in contractor/ consultant landscape
    Good working knowledge of AutoCAD
    Good communication, interpersonal, and proactive
    Fluency in English both oral and written
    Computer literacy

Electric Senior Supervisor
Job details
Education Level     Bachelor
Location     Jakarta
Job Level     Supervisor
Minimum Experiences     3-5 years

    Bachelor Degree in Electrical Engineering
    Male or Female max 35 years
    Have experience in reputable Developer Company or any related in 2 - 4 years
    Excellent in English (written and oral)
    Good communication and interpersonal skills
    Able to work as a team and highly motivated
    Computer literacy

Legal Officer
Job details
Education Level     Bachelor
Location     Jakarta
Job Level     Entry
Minimum Experiences     1-3 years

    Bachelor Degree in Law
    Male max 28 years old
    Minimum 1 year experience as Legal Officer
    Good command in English both oral and written
    Good understanding of any aspect of Indonesia law
    Sufficient understanding of property law, government regulations and familiar with drafting contracts etc, as well as business issues will be an advantage
    Attend to details and have strong skills in legal documentation and legal research
    Computer literate with excellent skills

Finance and Accounting Officer
Job details
Education Level     Diploma
Location     Jakarta
Job Level     Entry
Minimum Experiences     1-3 years

    Minimum Diploma majoring in Management/Accounting/Banking
    Male or Female max 25 years
    Have experience 1 year in finance and accounting
    Candidate must be dynamic, energetic and highly motivated
    Computer literature
    Honest, neat and detail oriented

Project Manager
Job details
Education Level     Bachelor
Location     Jakarta
Job Level     Manager
Minimum Experiences     5-10 years

    Minimum S 1 Architect or Civil Engineering from reputable universities
    Male with maximum age 45 years old
    Working experience at least 5 years in high rise building or landed house
    Have experience in reputable Developer or Contractor Company
    Project Manager will responsible for building development in accordance with deadlines, quality, and cost

Sales Executive
Job details
Education Level     SLTA
Location     Jakarta
Job Level     Entry
Minimum Experiences     1-3 years

    Male/ Female with maximum age 30 years old
    Minimum Senior High School
    Have experience at least 2 years in selling property
    Having good interpersonal skills, pleasant personality, analytical, hard working, creative, and able to work under pressure with tight deadlines
    Excellent communication and negotiation skills
    Fluent in English or mandarin will be advantage
    Willing to be placed in Tangerang

Secretary Officer
Job details
Education Level     Diploma
Location     Jakarta
Job Level     Entry
Minimum Experiences     1-3 years

    Minimum D3 Secretary
    Female with age maximum 25 years old
    Have working experience at least 1- 2 year as secretary
    Have a good in English language and Mandarin
    Computer Literate (Excel, Word & Power point, etc)
    Communication and interpersonal skills
    Able to work effectively
    Fresh graduates are welcome

Quantity Surveyor
Job details
Education Level     Bachelor
Location     Jakarta
Job Level     Entry
Minimum Experiences     1-3 years

    Minimum Bachelor Degree in Civil Engineering
    Male/ female with maximum age 33 years old
    Have working experience at least 3 years in related field, preferably as QS in property consultant or developer
    Able to provide project estimation and budgeting
    Strong knowledge of constructions material
    Honest, neat and detail oriented
    Computer Literature

Junior Architect
Job details
Education Level     Bachelor
Location     Jakarta
Job Level     Entry
Minimum Experiences     1-3 years

    Bachelor Degree in Architect
    Male/ Female with maximum 25 years old
    Have working experience with minimum 1 - 3 years
    Have experience in reputable Developer Company or Contractor
    Good working knowledge of AutoCAD 2D & 3D, SketchUP 3D, and Photoshop
    Good communication, detail, initiative, honest, hardworking, and able to work as a team
    Fresh graduate are welcome

Job details
Education Level     SLTA
Location     Jakarta
Job Level     Entry
Minimum Experiences     1-3 years

    Minimum SMA/SMK
    At least 1 year experience as receptionist or customer service will be an advantage
    Female with age maximum 30 years old
    Attractive, pleasant personality, well groomed
    Good communication and interpersonal skills
    Have a good in English language both spoken and written
    Energetic, high motivated, hardworker & customer service oriented
    Fresh graduate are welcome to apply

Structural Engineer
Job details
Education Level     Bachelor
Location     Jakarta
Job Level     Supervisor
Minimum Experiences     1-3 years

    Bachelor Degree of Civil Engineering Construction
    Male max 35 years old
    Minimum 3 years experience in the same field preferably from high rise building
    Have background from reputable Developer or Contractor Company
    Good communication and interpersonal skills
    Able to work independently and meet deadlines
    Responsible and highly motivated with excellent communication and must have strong leadership skill, analytical ability, problem solving and decision making skill
    Able to work under pressure and willing to work long hours (if needed)

Job details
Education Level     Diploma
Location     Jakarta
Job Level     Entry
Minimum Experiences     1-3 years

    Minimum Diploma Architect or Civil Engineering
    Male with maximum age 40 years old
    Have working experience with minimum 2 - 3 years in property/consultant/construction company
    Advanced knowledge of AutoCAD 3D MAP and familiar with Total Station System
    Good communication, coordination and interpersonal skill

Marketing Support Officer
Job details
Education Level     Diploma
Location     Jakarta
Job Level     Entry
Minimum Experiences     1-3 years

    Female max 28 years old
    Min education D3 from any Field
    Have min 2 years experience in administration or marketing support will be advantages
    Good in administrative and handle event
    Advanced Formula MS Excel
    Hard worker, dynamic, good archiving, and interpersonal skills
    Have a good communication in English both speaking and written
    Able to work as a part of team and working smart

Project Admin Officer
Job details
Education Level     Diploma
Location     Jakarta
Job Level     Entry
Minimum Experiences     1-3 years

    Minimum Diploma in Civil Engineering
    Male/female with maximum age 32 years old
    Have working experience at least 2 years in related field, preferably in property consultant or developer
    Able to provide project estimation and budgeting
    Good knowledge of constructions material
    Energetic, Team Player, Efficient, and Willing to work long hours if needed
    Computer Literature
    Willing to be placed in Project

If you are interested, please apply at Lowongan Intiland

Lowongan Kerja Halliburton

Halliburton is one of the world s largest providers of products and services to the oil and gas industries. Halliburton adds value to its customers by providing products and service through the entire lifecycle of oil and gas reservoirs starting with exploration and development, moving through production, operations, and maintenance. Halliburton employs more than 100,000 people in over 80 countries.

To support our operations in Indonesia, we are seeking highly qualified candidates for the Following position:

Technician / Operator Assistant
Work under general supervision, performs maintenance, diagnoses and repairs a variety of mechanical/ electrical equipments. Functions either as part of a preventive maintenance crew or individually. Perform basic trouble shooting on electrical, mechanical, hydraulic and pneumatic systems, calibrations and inspection, assembles and disassembles tools. Areas of specialization may include: electronics or mechanical aptitude, computer skills, etc.


  • Minimum GPA: 2.70
  • Good Command of Oral And Written English
  • Strong Interpersonal Skills and Organizational Experience
  • Willing To Be Located In a Field Area Is Critical
  • Experience in Practical Work
  • Graduate from D3 Mechanical, Mechatronic, Chemical, Energy Conversion Or Electrical Engineering
Please send your application letters and detailed CV (Filled your present full address, University & Major Information, GPA, Year of eduacation Entrance & Graduation, ect) and No other documents are required at this point TO: before 27 Juli 2013

Subject Email:

D3 Halliburton_(Nama)_(Asal Univ/Jurusan/IPK)_(Nilai Toefl Terbaru)_(Posisi)

D3 Halliburton_Hanif Fajar_UI/TEKNIK MESIN/3.00_500_Technician

*Incomplete resume will not be processed*

Only short-listed candidates will be invited via e-mail/phone for Test and Interview


Bagi kalian yang hobi puisi bisa langsung gabung disini dengan mengikuti LOMBA MENULIS PUISI .
Tuangkan ide kreatif kalian dengan mengirimkan 1 Puisi hasil karya kalian sendiri . Tema dan Judul BEBAS .
- Mempunyai Email
- Bisa Menulis Puisi Hasil Karya Sendiri
1. Buatlah CV / Daftar Riwayat Hidup --> untuk mengetahui info lengkap dari data pribadi kamu
2. Kirim ke email :
3. Diharap Mencantumkan NOMOR REKENING Agar hadiah bisa langsung di Transfer .
Juara 1 mendapatkan uang tunai senilai : Rp. 1.000.000
Juara 2 mendapatkan uang tunai senilai : Rp. 500.000
Juara 3 mendapatkan uang tunai senilai : Rp. 250.000
Pendaftaran ditutup hingga 8 Juli 2013.
Hadiah Langsung dipersembahkan dari PRO PENULIS

Lomba Menulis Cerpen Tema ‘Kamera’

1. Peserta "lomba menulis cerpen" merupakan mahasiswa yang masih aktif kuliah (terbuka untuk semua jurusan, tingkat (D3/S1/S2) dan Pelajar SMA di Jawa, bali dan Lombok (NTB)
2. Mengisi formulir pendaftaran dapat di download di melampirkan SCAN Kartu Tanda Mahasiswa (KTM) / Kartu Tanda Pelajar dan pas foto berwarna ukuran 3×4.

3. Biaya pendaftaran Rp10.000 untuk satu (1) orang pendaftar. Satu pendaftar hanya dapat menyertakan satu (1) karya. Untuk pembayaran sms Nama (spasi) "Lomba Menulis Cerpen" (spasi) Kota ke 087838504411 (rosa) untuk tau id peserta dan no rek. Jumlah yang ditransfer sebesar Rp 10.000 + id peserta. Misal : Rp 10.101 , jadi id peserta 101.

4. Tema Cerpen : “Kamera” .Kamera boleh ditampilkan tersurat sebagai benda maupun tersirat (alur cerita seperti cara kerja kamera) . Boleh juga tentang pekerjaan yang menyangkut kamera (fotografer, model, dsb)

5. Kategori cerpen bebas, boleh romance, horror, komedi, motivasi, dll kecuali fantasi.

6. Naskah "Lomba Menulis Cerpen" merupakan hasil karya pribadi. Ditulis dengan ketebalan 5-8 halaman(max.) ukuran kertas A4 spasi 1,5  jenis huruf  Times New Roman ukuran 12 dengan margin 4 kiri, 4 bawah 3 atas dan 3 kanan sertakan keterangan dengan format: NAMA LENGKAP /JUDUL/ NO.HP / USERNAME TWITTER pada FOOTER

7. Naskah dikumpulkan dalam bentuk Soft Copy dikirim melalui email : stographtion@gmail.comdengan 
Subject: CERPEN(spasi)Nama(spasi)Judul(spasi)No Hp(spasi)idPeserta 
Contact Person : 
08995414817 – Gita, 
085275194211 – Lenny / Pin BB: 20839709 
Panitia akan mengirimkan balasan konfirmasi untuk email yang masuk, sebagai tanda bahwa karya berupa softcopy sudah diterima oleh pihak panitia

8. Naskah yang sudah dikirim tidak dapat diminta kembali atau dikirim ulang setelah adanya perbaikan karena itu dianggap DISKUALIFIKASI


1. Bernard Batubara (
@benzbara_ ) – Penulis RadioGalauFM, Kata Hati, Milana, dll
2. Irwan Bajang (
@irwanbajang) Penulis Kepulangan Kelima, Rumah Merah, Sketsa Senja, dll 

HADIAH:"Lomba Menulis Cerpen" ini aakan dipilih 10 Karya TERBAIK yang akan dimuat dalam buku kumpulan cerpen oleh publisher : Indie Book Corner 3 Pemenang Utama Akan mendapatkan Uang Tunai + Sertifikat masing-masing senilai:
Rp. 500.000 – Juara 1
Rp. 300.000 – Juara 2
Rp. 200.000 – Juara 3
Sabtu, 13 Juli 2013
18.00 – Selesai
Le Waroenk (Jl. Cik Ditiro, sebrang Rumah Coklat)

*10 Karya terbaik akan dihubungi oleh pihak panita untuk hadir dalam acara puncak dan pengumuman pemenang*
*bagi yang diluar jogja, hadiah akan ditransfer atau dikirim dengan ketentuan berlaku*  sumber:

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